Quick start

Welcome to our developper documentation


Good to know: We recommend trying out our product on our SANDBOX environment first

The very first step is to signup on the platform. This will setup your account and create a default API Key, which will be required for next steps.

Sandbox: https://dashboard.sandbox.mentium.io/register

Verify your identity

In order to create checkout sessions and receive payments, you need to verify your account. We perform KYC/KYB. Until done, you will see this header on your dashboard.

To fill out your identity information, go to Settings > Identity

Sandbox: https://dashboard.sandbox.mentium.io/settings/identity

Get your API keys

Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an error.

A default API key is created when you sign up but you can generate others API key from your Dashboard at any time.

Last updated